Set against the backdrop of the nation’s beloved pub culture and iconic sporting heritage, this campaign is a tribute to the Australian way of life, blending the passion for sports with the practicality and adventure embodied by the new Kia Ute.

With the Australian ethos at its core, the campaign ventures beyond traditional car advertisements, weaving a narrative that resonates deeply with the Aussie spirit. A tale of sporting heroes, unbridled rivalry, and pub culture. And most importantly, Kia’s first ever Ute.

Director: Ariel Martin

91 different social edits were made to target audiences in each sporting code

We even commissioned a ‘last supper’ themed mural to immortalise the cast of legends


AWARD Awards, 2024
Shortlisted for Copywriting - Best Film Script, Individual
Shortlisted for Social Media - Use of Talent and Influencers
Shortlisted for Film advertising - TV Commercials Over 30 Seconds
Shortlisted for PR & Promotion - Best use of Paid Talent and Influencers
Shortlisted for Social Media - Use of Talent and Influencers
Shortlisted for PR & Promotion - Product Launch

Caples Awards, 2024
Silver for New Product Launch
Bronze for Integrated
Bronze for Social & Influencer
Bronze for TV & Video Advertising

Best Ads on TV, 2024
Winner for best film

B&T, 2024
Campaign of the Month


The Daily Issue